weight-loss diet

1-month quick weight-loss diet, lost 15 pounds without dieting, summer exposed "waistline"!

Summer is coming soon, in order not to reveal their summer wearing shorts elephant legs, in order to show their unbridled waistline at the beach, you are not ready to adhere to weight-loss in the next month so that they are thin as soon as possible down.
We need the desire for a quick fix, a light girl today we have prepared this quick weight loss diet + exercise program, do not go on a diet, as long as you can stick with it, you can in a month lost about 15 pounds!

Quick weight loss diets arrangements

Get up early to get up to drink a cup of warm water, breakfast foods from the following three categories, each choose one kind, a total of three kinds.
1, 2 whole wheat bread, oatmeal in a small bowl
2, 1 cup sugar-free yoghurt, 1 egg, 1 cup milk
3, 1 apple, strawberry 12, a pear
10:00 or drink a glass of water, eat half an apple
30 minutes before lunch, drink a glass of water, meal after meal brother walk for 10 minutes.
Lunch from the following three categories, each chooses one kind of option, a total of three kinds.
1, fist-sized rice, fist-sized grains of rice, corn root half, a small portion of potatoes;
2, chicken breast half fist, fist 1 fish, tofu fist;
3, lettuce, kelp, mushrooms, broccoli, cabbage total of 2 punches.
Around 15 o'clock, drink a cup of warm water, drink a small portion of yoghurt
30 minutes before dinner, drink a glass of water.
Dinner from the following two categories, each chooses one kind of option, a total of two kinds.

1, tofu boxing, boxing half fish, shrimp 10;
2, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, baby vegetables fist 2;
Quick diet rules:
1, to ensure daily water intake to more than 2000 ml, if the kidneys of poor people, according to their own situation to adjust the amount of drinking water.
2, each meal eat 7-8 minutes fully, rather a waste not to eat.
3, avoid greasy, high-sugar foods, if you must eat, component half.
4, in the evening before going to bed three hours to complete the diet, do not eat any food as much as possible, 10:30 to sleep hungry at night to avoid overeating, if before going to bed hungry, you can eat a tomato or a cucumber.
5, can not be reduced to a meal, three meals must be eaten.
Quick weight-loss campaign mode:
Sports and is not required, but make sure they move, movement 3-5 times a week as far as possible, the amount of exercise according to their own circumstances arrangements and recommend brisk walking, running, biking, and other equipment, aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise combined.
The movement must attack as much as possible, such as reducing by public transport, commuting ongoing, do not take the elevator to change the stairs, do some stretching before going to bed, while watching TV, while doing some leg movement.
If a relatively large amount of exercise, after exercise must drink a glass of milk, while avoiding hunger after exercise while promoting muscle growth and repair, so that body looks better.
Weight loss is a combination of eating and exercise, eat seven, three training, as long as you can insist on a more, at least be able to lean 10 pounds, many people may lean to 12-15 pounds!
weight-loss diet  weight-loss diet Reviewed by Health Tips on 9:51 PM Rating: 5

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