Famous psychologists: The five behaviors of parents are easy to cultivate "children with low emotional intelligence"!

Hello everyone, welcome to pay attention to [content artisans say education], remember to pay attention to the upper right corner! Today I share with you the educational view of the famous psychologist John Goldman: Parents, these five kinds of behaviours, are easy to cultivate "children with low emotional intelligence"! John Goldman’s advice on family education deserves a serious look at every parent.

“Family life is the first school to learn emotions.” This sentence comes from the book Emotional Intelligence of Daniel Gorman, a PhD student in psychology at Harvard University and a famous psychologist. In this book, Gorman defines the “low-emotional child” as follows: unable to restrain impulsiveness, lack of ability to delay satisfaction, not motivate themselves, do not understand other people's social tips, and cannot face pressure.
Based on Daniel Gorman's research, the famous psychologist John Goldman conducted a study of 119 families, focusing on the relationship between family factors and children's emotional intelligence, and responding to emotional moments through parents and children. Tracking the impact of parental behaviour on children's emotional intelligence.
John Goldman's follow-up study continues from the child's 4 years of age to puberty. The results of the study show that in the family education summary, the parents' behaviour has a great influence on the child's emotional intelligence. Some behaviors of the parents will directly lead to the child's low emotional intelligence, but many families have not noticed this problem!
Let's take a closer look at John Goldman's research: Parents' five behaviors make it easy to develop "low-emotional children"! Parents can check whether they have made such mistakes. Everyone must be alert to these five kinds of behaviors. Otherwise, the children will have low emotional intelligence and will regret it in the future!
Famous psychologists: The five behaviors of parents are easy to cultivate "children with low emotional intelligence"! Famous psychologists: The five behaviors of parents are easy to cultivate "children with low emotional intelligence"! Reviewed by Health Tips on 11:55 PM Rating: 5

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